1. New Compassionate Care Leave in Alberta
Since February 1, 2014, Albertans can take up to eight weeks of unpaid job-protected leave from work to care for gravely ill family members, and return to the same or similar position.
How it Works:
- Employees must have worked at least 52 weeks for their employer
- Employees must provide their employer with a certificate signed by the attending physician regarding the grave condition of the family member and their need for care
- The eight week leave may be split into two sections and must be taken within a 26 week period
- Six week of Employment Insurance Benefits are available to some employees for compassionate care
More Information:
2. Health Care Coverage for Extended Absence out of Province
Albertans can now be out of the country for up to 212 days (7 months) out of the year and remain eligible for health coverage as long as they have not established permanent residence elsewhere. Effective date December 2013.
More Information:
3. Alberta Pharmacy Services and Funding Model Introduced
Funding Model:
The new funding model has set a unique dispensing fee set at $12.30 for all drug products except for compounds and diabetic supplies. This fee will apply from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2018.
More Information:
Pharmacy Services:
Albertans with valid Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan coverage may be eligible for the following services at the local pharmacy, at no charge:
- Care plan assessment – known either as a Comprehensive Annual Care Plan or a Standard Medical Management Assessment
- Administration of injections
- Assessment and modifying prescription based upon individual patient needs
- Prescription renewals (except for narcotics and controlled substances)
- Assessment of prescription for emergency needs
- Assessment for initiating medication therapy
- Medication assessments to ensure safe and appropriate use
- Tobacco cessation counselling
- New medication management tools for diabetics.